Partnering for Impact is a platform for influencers inspiring the water sector to achieve sustainability and resiliency goals, drive economic prosperity, encourage the next generation of professionals, create innovations, and build research and development capacity.
Partnering for Impact events began in 2016 in San Francisco, California with 45 delegates from 15 national professional water organizations including Bluetech Research, Imagine H2O, WEF, AWWA, IWA, WRA, WRF, U.S. Water Alliance, NWRI, CWEA, SFPUC, and the LuminUS Group. The group met to explore the simple question “how can we accomplish more by working together?”. Since the initial inspirational meeting, follow-up national Partnering for Impact (PFI) events occurred in Chicago, San Francisco, Reno, and Washington DC.
Partnering for Impact

The inaugural PFI event held in San Francisco in 2016 brought water organizations together to discuss enhanced partnering to create a more significant impact within the water sector. Forty-five attendees from the American Water Works Association, BlueTech Research, the British Columbia Water-Wastewater Association, California Water Environment Association, Central Arizona Project, Imagine H2O, the International Water Association, National Water Research Institute, Orange County Sanitation District, Pisces Foundation, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Santa Clara Valley Water, US Water Alliance, University of Nevada-Reno, WateReuse Association, Water Environment Federation, and the Water Research Foundation, to discuss an essential question “can we accomplish more working together than on multiple tacks around the same issue – water?”

Rick Warner, PE

Eileen O’Neill, Ph.D., BCES

Krishna Pagilla, Ph.D., PE
Ralph and Rose Hoeper Engineering Professor
Director, Nevada Water Innovation Institute
University of Nevada, Reno
Email: Pagilla@unr.edu

Ralph Exton